Wanderlusting - French http://wanderlusting.org/taxonomy/term/23/0 en Un Jeu Francais http://wanderlusting.org/un-jeu-francais <p>Objet : à faire, bon, ca à l'air très con, mais je ne<br /> t'enverrai pas un truc pareil si je n'avais pas été surpris du résultat. Fais ce jeu, tu rigoleras. Voici un petit jeu qui, sans doute imagine par un fin psychologue, il donne des resultants surprenants<br /> JEU : Ce jeu ne demande que 3 minutes d'attention. Essaie- le. Ca va t'effrayer. La personne qui l'a envoyé a dit que son voeu s'est réalisé 10 minutes après l'avoir lu. Mais pas de triche. Ce jeu a un drôle/effrayant dénouement. Ne lis pas en avance mais fais le dans l'ordre, point par point. Ca prend<br /> env 3 min et ca vaut la peine.</p> <p><a href="http://wanderlusting.org/un-jeu-francais">read more</a></p> http://wanderlusting.org/un-jeu-francais#comments Europe French Fun Sun, 04 Dec 2005 22:38:58 +0000 Brook 14 at http://wanderlusting.org Who wants to eat some cow heart? http://wanderlusting.org/who-wants-to-eat-some-cow-heart <p>Today in class we were discussing different types of families: extended families, bicultural families, nuclear families, single parent households, and so on. We were discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different types of families. When we were talking about bicultural families, one of my students said that food was a disadvantage of being in a bicultural family. I asked him what he meant by this and he told me that if someone from Peru and someone from the United States married, it would he hard for the person from Peru since food in the United States is so bad.</p> <p>Peruvians, like people from every country that I have been to, are stubbornly proud of their food. When my two friends from home were here visiting not a day went by when my host mom did not remind them of the variety of food from Peru and how delicious Peruvian food really was. I did not tell my host mom that my friends did not really like food in Peru; they thought there was too much rice.</p> <p><a href="http://wanderlusting.org/who-wants-to-eat-some-cow-heart">read more</a></p> http://wanderlusting.org/who-wants-to-eat-some-cow-heart#comments English Did that ever happen to you? Europe Foods French Latin America/Caribbean Spanglish Story Fri, 03 Dec 2004 22:17:42 +0000 HeatherFife 18 at http://wanderlusting.org