Wanderlusting - Africa http://wanderlusting.org/taxonomy/term/29/0 en Argentine Inflation - At Least It's Not Zimbabwe http://wanderlusting.org/blog/greg/argentine-inflation-least-it-s-not-zimbabwe <p>There's been quite a storm of discussion lately about inflation in Argentina. My understanding is that at the beginning of the year the government agency that was in charge of calculating inflation came out with some numbers that were relatively high. That upset the president (Nestor Kirchner) and apparently there was an argument which resulted, more or less, in the president insisting that future inflation reports should be more in line with his perceptions (i.e. lower and also completely invalid). <em>I should note that Argentines tend to love conspiracies and are often quite critical of their government, so this version of the inflation story may not be completely accurate.</em></p> <p><a href="http://wanderlusting.org/blog/greg/argentine-inflation-least-it-s-not-zimbabwe">read more</a></p> http://wanderlusting.org/blog/greg/argentine-inflation-least-it-s-not-zimbabwe#comments English Africa Latin America/Caribbean Political Wed, 28 Nov 2007 15:29:26 +0000 greg 275 at http://wanderlusting.org Camel kickbacks and other tales from Morocco http://wanderlusting.org/blog/nikki/camel-kickbacks-and-other-tales-morocco <p>While on the southernmost tip of Spain, why not head to Africa for a day?</p> <p><a href="http://wanderlusting.org/blog/nikki/camel-kickbacks-and-other-tales-morocco">read more</a></p> http://wanderlusting.org/blog/nikki/camel-kickbacks-and-other-tales-morocco#comments Knaddison Spanish Tour English Africa Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:15:47 +0000 Nikki 204 at http://wanderlusting.org