Wanderlusting - Australia http://wanderlusting.org/taxonomy/term/5/0 Australia plus the other stuff around there en Give Zimbabwe Kids Shelter, Food, Clothes, and School http://wanderlusting.org/give-zimbabwe-kids-shelter-food-clothes-and-school <p>A few years ago my friend <a href="http://www.camwinton.com">Cam</a> went to Africa in the summer for work. While there and touring around he ended up finding some orphaned boys who he wanted to help get a house, clothing, food, and schooling. When he returned, our <a href="http://www.upenn.edu/gazette/index.html">University's Magazine did a story about the process</a> and now <a href="http://www.camwinton.com/Victoria-Falls-Childrens-Fund">he has a website where he is providing more information along with a request for additional donations.</a></p> <p>I generally am turned off by the big charities around the world.</p> <p><a href="http://wanderlusting.org/give-zimbabwe-kids-shelter-food-clothes-and-school">read more</a></p> http://wanderlusting.org/give-zimbabwe-kids-shelter-food-clothes-and-school#comments English Australia Volunteer Fri, 24 Feb 2006 21:35:43 +0000 greg 78 at http://wanderlusting.org