Please, play bocce with your dog when at Park Gruell

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Please, play bocce with your dog when at Park Gruell

In Gaudi's Park Gruell they have this sign. I understand that one image can explain the idea in multiple languages, but I just can't get over some details of this photo:

  • The man has no bag, so he's just going to pick up the scat with his hand.
  • For that matter, the man has no fingers or hand, so he's going to pick up the scat with his stump.
  • Maybe it's not scat after all, maybe it's his bocce ball set and the sign is saying that if you bring your dog, then you should please play bocce.
  • The man's pose is unsustainable - his center of gravity is way too far forward - so maybe this is also saying "When doing yoga with your dog, it's ok to use some balls to support you as you move from low lunge to warrior one"