
Mexican Spanish Slang

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Some Slang Used In Mexico
I don’t know it all, but here are some of the slang words and uses I have picked up in Mexico. Some of them may actually used in other Latin American countries as well.

Güey- Probably the most used slang in Mexico. It is like “dude,” and is used ALL the time (pronounced almost like “way”).
Pinche- fucking (adj.)
No manches- No way! Not to be used in formal situations.
No mames- No way! The cussword version. Definitely do not use this in formal situations. literally it basically means don’t blow me.
Mamada- blow job
@- used when a word can be male or female, to represent both the “O” and the “A” in the word.

Sights of Mexico: El Mercado

Perhaps my number one recommendation for a visit to Mexico City is to see one or more markets. There are major markets all over the city where people go to buy everything from fruit and veggies to clothes and toiletries.

Most markets also have an amazing butcher section. Don’t see