PayPerPost - Paid blogging

greg's picture
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Wanderlusting serves at least three purposes:
1. Share stories and advice with friends
2. As a personal journal - to reflect back on those stories
3. To make some money to be able to travel some more

Towards that end I've been trying out PayPerPost. It's one of several new paid blogging services where advertisers and companies can get feedback and reviews of their company posted into the "blogosphere". While the exact nuances between these companies are all a little different, one point is the same: write about stuff that interests you and then get paid. PayPerPost has so far neeted me $6. Not huge, but ot miniscule either. With the amount of time I'm willing to put into it, it seems like I'll be able to make an extra $50/month or so. Not bad at all. And, as I said, the point is to take these extra funds and put them into the travel budget to extend trips in the future.

I actually heard about PayPerPost in a post from one of their competitors (ReviewMe). Their business models are just different enough that both seem compelling to me. I think (hope) that both will stay in business and will foster a new era of sponsored citizen media.

HeatherFife's picture

Are you going to share any of that money?

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