Girona - Cool Wall, Protest, Creperie Bretonne

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So, it's been a while but here's some quick notes on the nice little town of Girona, which is in Spain. Girona is located slightly inland off the Mediterranean coast near France. We drove there from San Sebastian by way of Rioja. The last few miles near Girona were a lot like Colorado's foothills - windy roads and beautiful evergreen forests. Great times.

Protesting Catalans

Girona itself wasn't really all that awesome. The first night there we were greeted by an enormous police presence in the square near the government buildings. The police had setup to make sure that the manifestacion (protest) scheduled for that night didn't get out of control. In fact, it did get slightly out of control with some nice fires.

The protest was about (you guessed it) the Spanish Monarchy and how Catalonia should be separate from Spain. And also Socialism. Yay Socialism.

Creperie Bretonne

We were just trying to find Creperie Bretonne, which really was worth the hunt. The street for Creperie Bretone makes a 90 degree bend but keeps it's same name. So, if you can't find it then just look around the corner... It is a really cute and enormously delicious restaurant that serves a variety of foods - quite nice after the "ham for three meals" that we had been enjoying.

Wall of the City, Cathedral, and Arab Baths

Old town Girona is walled in by an old fortification that today serves to protect the University and Cathedral from capitalism. I love old walls and castles so of course waking up early and walking the wall was one of my favorite activities. We took it from the south end of the city, around and up north to the Cathedral where we broke from the wall to see the church. The guide book warned us "you'll feel like a knight is waiting for you around every corner" and in fact that was pretty much how we felt.

Next to the Cathedral is the "Arab Bath" though it smelled like some late night revellers had been using the bathhouse as a urinal so we skipped it.

Overall, we wish that we had skipped Girona and spent more time in Rioja. While we had good fun seeing the sites it was a little more expensive than other cities and didn't offer much that was new to us.

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