A must-see for sweet lovers: Pastelería Ideal in DF, Mexico

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An Incredible Cake Shop in DF, Mexico

Pastelería Ideal was described at length in a wonderful new book about modern Mexico city and its fabulous idiosyncrasies: First Stop in the New World: Mexico City, the Capital of the 21st Century. He describes DF institution as a cake museum of sorts, and being the sweet tooth that I am, I had to check it out.

The shop is incredible, with the second floor entirely dedicated to models of different cakes the shop can make for your special occasion. The lower floor provides pastries and cakes you can purchase that day.

Ojo: with a slightly faulty travel book map, we discovered there are two locations to the shop within the Centro Histórico. The 18 16 de Septiembre location being much more impressive.

¡Buen provecho!

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