Noticias de la Maestra Gringa

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I just heard Travis is trapped in a civil war in Bolivia. What is going on in this crazy messed up world! Also i hate my boss i mean i ha-ate him, the Canadian. Also Roommie Stephanie's mom is here (She's Chicana and speaks Spanish) and she threatened the boss that Steph was not coming back after Xmas so we will see what happens. Her class really is bad; I don't know whether I am with her or I think that she is exaggerating but even her mom thinks that it is terrible and her mom teaches special ed. That is one hellion class.

PINCHING PESOS: I have been working a lot, doing my extra classes which is good because it is extra money for traveling but bad because i don't have any spare time. and I am starting to HATE rich Mexicans. They have so many servants, body guards, drivers, maids, and nannys and live in these totally unbelievable houses. All the skinny, beautiful moms do is sit around with their Louis Vuittons and YSL bags and talk trash about other moms and the teachers at my school, they are always pumping me for information about teachers and hinting that they have heard rumors about me and Stephanie out at the bars. We are totally well-known, one of the other teachers told us an eligible bachelor friend of hers had heard about us and wants to meet us, so we are invited to his house for dinner.

CLASSROOM: My kids are doing better and better today I really felt like they were understanding my instructions in English and they really are so sweet although today one of the mothers made the school secretary video tape my class because she is worried that her daughter is sad all the time which she isn´t, but this school is just so redic about things like that, pinche dirreccion. They seriously let the parents do whatever they want.

ESPANOL!!:I may be starting Spanish class which would be so good because that is my one complaint about being here that I am not learning any Spanish! I try to write journals about my day in Spanish to practice past tense but I'm impatient at my slowness. I am taking the GREs in a few weeks but not that I am necessarily going to be settling down after that of course but who knows. I am loving the abroad life and not ready to think about stopping it to buy a house/getting married or something soul-sucking like that.

PROBLEMAS con el DEPARTAMENTO: We are shitting our pants right now because we don´t have any hot water and it is cold in the mornings. We are lillywhite pansies. Oh, and we can't walk at night and our mail gets stolen. We even looked at another house last night and it was great but it had one real bedroom and one hole in the wall even worse than the hobgoblin hole at my college house, which is not OK.
More soon!

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