Puerto Vallarta

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Nikki and I are going Puerto Vallarto this December.

We were going to go to Sayulita, but that was pretty booked and instead we are going to Puerto Vallarta. Besides, our hotel is the Casa Tres Vidas which looks really amazing. The desinations in this Tequila Six Pack trip sound pretty enticing though I think we're going to rent our own car and find the destinations on our own.

From Vallarta Online some other recommended sites are "Pre-Hispanic Museum on the Rio Cuale, the villages of Huichol Indians, and archeological digs to the north, near Tepic, Nayarit."

I was hopeful that we'd be able to find some temples or ruins from Mayan/Aztec culture, but apparently there's not a whole lot to see in this area. After getting to Copan earlier this summer my interest in the Mayan art and architecture has been piqued.

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