Give Zimbabwe Kids Shelter, Food, Clothes, and School

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A few years ago my friend Cam went to Africa in the summer for work. While there and touring around he ended up finding some orphaned boys who he wanted to help get a house, clothing, food, and schooling. When he returned, our University's Magazine did a story about the process and now he has a website where he is providing more information along with a request for additional donations.

I generally am turned off by the big charities around the world. Aside from my earlier post about Heifer International and some other organizations I feel that many organizations end up wasting money or do not provide a sustainable benefit to their community. In the case of the Victoria Falls Children's Fund, it's a small fund that is very focused and is directly benefiting a group of children and the local citizens who have been hired to support the boys. It helps the boys, it helps the local economy, they have oversights in place to make sure the money is used properly, and as long as political problems don't get in the way, it seems like a useful program.

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