Wine is amazing because within the same drink there are so many ways for an enologist to play with the flavors and so many ways it can taste. Compare that to something like beer where you can taste many different kinds but they are all the same.
greg's quotes
on beers in argentina
about rain and earthquake proof houses in Mendoza
"Nuestros edificios son anti-seismic pero no son anti-lluvia".
roughly means "Our houses are earthquake -proof, but not built to withstand the rain"
on parillas and resacas
Ordering a parilla is like getting a resaca - it's good to do once a year or so just as a reminder of how much you hate it.
on the bus to las cañitas
Your English is flawless, really perfect.
Walking Down the Street
Did you hear that? You guys are dogs!
Did that ever happen to you?
{crazy story}...Did that ever happen to you?
Getting Drunk in Foreign Lands
Oh my gosh you guys, we were in this bar in {insert location} and we were so drunk from these {insert drink name} that are a really indigenous drink and we partied until 6:00 am because it's just the cultural thing to do in {insert country of location}.

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