White Secret

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A commercial for a skin-whitening lotion called White Secret has inspired some musings about race and skin color in Mexico. A few thoughts.

First, as an obvious gringa (for those that don't know me, I am red-headed and v. v. white), I get a lot of social privileges. I am generally given what I ask for: security guards let me go in anywhere, I can do whatever i want in stores, rarely have to wait in line at clubs. I know, I hate myself for taking advantage of all that too. But sometimes it's hard to pass up. The down side is constantly feeling like a rich, fascist, imperialist asshole.

Another point: skin color is fairly directly correlated with social status in Mexico. Almost to a person, the lighter the richer and the darker the more likely to be in a position of service. I have seen perhaps half a dozen cases in my two years in Mexico when skin color and socio-economic status are not tightly linked.

Not exactly sure how this is related, but there is a reggeaton artist here called "Nigga," and black jokes abound. People have a strange impression of and relationship with the idea of black people in the U.S. I have actually heard the saying "work like a N*** to live like a white" many, many times, in both Spanish and English.

Finally, an ironic detail. Almost all commercials in Mexico have a little public service note at the bottom of the screen, kind of like the "smoking causes cancer" notes in the US. In the case of White Secret lotion, the message was "Salud es belleza" (health is beauty).

Odiamos a los estadounidenses
por aprovechados

Yo tambien me odio a mi misma pero esto no cambie lo que yo soy. Estamos todos victimas del mismo sistema que roba la humanidad mas al privelegiado que al marginalizado.

por que?

"ODIAMOS", se me hace una palabra muy generalizada, soy orgullosamente Méxicana y gracias al gran esfuerzo de mis padres tuve la oportunidad de estudiar 7 años en Estados Unidos de Norteamerica. En mi muy particular opinión, generalizar y decir que "Odiamos" a los norteamericanos, se me hace una gran falta de cultura .
En todas las nacionalidades, razas, culturas y paises hay gente buena y gente mala.
Además, México no es un pobre país donde la gente se puede venir a aprovechar de los pobres é indefensos Méxicanos, ya basta de autohumillarnos, Somos un País que día a día se fortalece más, con gente preparada, cada vez a niveles más altos, desde el humilde provinciano que ha luchado trabajando el campo, el mar ó practicando productivos oficios heredados de generación en generación, para poder estudiar en instituciones tan importantes como la UNAM, hasta gente que ha trabajado duro para poder tener una posición social a un nivel superior y estudiar desde la UNAM, hasta universidades privadas de mayor costo.
"Odiados" y "Pobres" la gente que se dedica a expresarse con "odio" a los demás, que si porque son extranjeros ó tienen dinero, mejor dediquense a ser mejores seres humanos y a dejar de culpar a los demás por los logros no adquiridos, el que trabaja sale adelante y si no lo creen así porque no se dedican a investigar la agenda de trabajo de los hijos del hombre más rico de México y así podran constatar que no por tener dinero se deja de trabajar desde las 8 am hasta, a veces, las 11 y 12 pm. No pierdas el tiempo odiando a los demás inviertelo en ser méjor ser humano asi ni "LOS GRINGOS" ni nadie podran aprovecharse de tÍ.

Fair skinned mexicans definetely think lower of people with a dark complexion.
Especially if your indigenous - If you are indigenous you are ignored - you might as well not even be a part of the country., - a majority of the people who illegally cross into the US are Indians - strange that Indians in Canada only need a letter from their Tribe that indicates they are Indian and they can come into the US - if you are mexican Indian - you have to go through the same process as any other Mexican citizen - the US does not see any difference between Indigenous persons of Mexico and the non-indigenous poplulation of Mexico. The Indigenous population of Mexico outnumber the non-indigenous population by millions - imagine that figure in the US - Indians outnumbering whites by millions with the numbers increasing every year - Mexico wants a seperation or a distinction between its indigenous popluation and its non-indigenous population - so that they won't be mistaken for being one of the dark skinned people - now here is an interesting fact - I have been teaching to the indigenous population of the US that they are not a part of the United states government - they are not American - the term American should be considered foreign to its indigenous population - any person who is not indigenous is foreign to Indian people - this is a concept that is well known in Europe - that America is simply a foreign country to its indigenous population - now I have been teaching this concept to Indigenous persons that I meet in Mexico - and soon this belief is going to spread amongst the indigenous population of Mexico - and there will truly be a seperation from a people who will no longer depend on Mexico for its support - who no longer support the Mexican flag but look upon it as a foreign symbol, a symbol of evil etc., everything that is political will be abandonded and left behind like a hill of dung -
funny that this must come to pass - one of the reasons is that the non-indigenous people of Mexico hate people with a dark complexion -(I don't know what classification non-indigenous persons of Mexico fall under- they are neither white or indian - but call themselves Mexican - but Mexican is not a race like American is not a race) a person of Mexico tried to argue with me that Mexicans are Indians - which is understandable - but I argued that when a Mexican fills out an application for work etc., not one ever fills in the area that says he or she is American Indian - they always mark - White/Hispanic origin., - besides no Indian consideres Mexicans as Indians - because of this - a Indian will select Native American / Alaskan section - he or she will not select White / Hispanic ., - my Mexican friend had nothing to say to that...also I have seen first hand the prejudice experienced by dark skinned people in Mexico by its fair skinned population - its the first feeling you get when you enter Mexico - you can literally sense it in the air - while in America foreign people are despised - the new fad I guess -

I'm sorry, are you Mexican? Have you ever lived in Mexico? Can you say for a FACT that all non-indigenous people from Mexico hate people with dark complexion? I think that HATE is a very strong word.
Now, I know that I probably shouldn't even bother on replying to your comment, but... I think is very presumptuous of you to talk like that about a country in which you don't even live in.
I would like to be illustrated with some examples on how we all non-indigenous people from Mexico express this hate... seriously!
Oh! And, good luck with that movement of yours and the separation of the indigenous people from their country in order to not depend in any way from it... I'm sure that your well founded belief is truly gonna get through people...

I think you need to learn a little bit more about mexican history.Para que sepas de donde proviene la palabra mexico y su significado .saber que los mexicanos no son indio es una mezcla de espanol con indigenas y a eso se le llama mestizo

I´m mexican, highly educated too, and first of all it is funny that an american picture this subject in ways a mexican never wanted to hear. It is a complex society. In fact there is racism but its kind of hypocritical racism because if the "indio" have "huaraches", people said poor and ingnorant Indio, but if the Indio have a ferrari or a big business, the "aristocracy" it is capable of sell their daughters to them, of course in metaphoric sense, and as many many other cultures. So in Mexico aristocracy of more than 100 years its so difficult to find, everything else its just a lie. The subject have more sides than every perspective posted here, and the more time you spend in Mexico the more cultural "matices" you will find.

Mexican families consist of people of all colors, for example my mom is white and my dad is brown, i am white and my two brothers are brown. i've lived in mexico all my life and i've never seen a difference between the way my darker skin color brothers are treated and the way i am treated.

I am glad that my post did not yield the usual obscene and ignorant
responses expected when communicating by internet, and that they were
responses from intelligent people (lets keep it that way) - my response to
the White Secret post was written in a very short period - and has many
mistakes, one is "all non indigenouse people of Mexico hate the dark
skinned population " glad this was pointed out by someone.
Obvisiousily that is not true - I know many Mexican friends who never
paid much attention to their friends dark complexion. I am trying to take my
time in writing my response so that such mistakes can be avoided. Using
Notepad seems to create many errors and entire sentences go missing
for some reason.
One very good response I liked was the "hypocritical racism" Here in the
U.S. on the Indian Reservations or even off of the reservations - many
American Indians do live off the reservation if you were not aware of
that. If you are a successful Indian with a nice car and so forth. You
would more than likely hear comments as "he's not Indian, he's a white
man." And that should be enough for you all to basically get an
understanding of what I am talking about. This I am already aware of
exists also in Mexico as pointed out in the posts above.
One thing I did not see any comments on was how most Mexicans have
American Indian ancestory but very few want to claim it, very few - it
seems / I got responses from mostly Mexican persons and remember "no
Indian considers Mexicans as Indians." I am really interested as many
others are here, to hear your comments. I have answered most of your
questions please comment on this one - our Indian brothers want to
know why so many Mexicans with Indian Ancestory prefer to be called
Mexican rather than Indian. Is it because of embarassment of having
Indian blood? (wouldn't that be racism?) I would like to share one of my
many experiences with racism - once going back home to Mexico, ( I am
not Mexican, though my great grandmother was from Mexico, I am
unfortunately American) I worked in the U.S. but lived in Mexico, I
used to tell people that I liked living in Tijuana more than living in San
Diego - I took a taxi along with 4 other hispanic persons. An elderly lady
starts talking about an Indian companion of hers - she goes on and on
about some Indian guy - and then the person sitting next to her - who
appeared to be a migrant worker - because he had on muddy boots and
heavy dirt on his clothing - stated to the elderly woman in spanish "but a
horse is cleaner than an Indian". Another experience in a taxi was with
the driver. He had picked up a Mexican family at a Walmart. They were
obvisiousily foreign because the grandmother couldn't speak english. She
needed translation from her daughter or little grandson. The elderly lady
sat up front with the taxi driver. We almost arrive at their destination.
When the eldelry lady states. While looking straight forward. "Que feo
este hombre tipo, pero asi es la raza de aqui.". Her children gasp at her remark but the cabdriver
didn't react to the comment. He was an American Indian. Despite the
numerous times I have encountered this type of "hypocritical racism".
This does not mean that all migrant workers or immigrants from Mexico
feel the same way. Thought I should add that in case somebody
misunderstands, hard to believe but that does happen. And so I went to
my female Mexican friend and my point to her was. Using the
experiences above - how can Mexican migrant workers or immigrants
from Mexico expect equality or claim to be victims of prejudice and
racism - when this "hypocritical racism" exists in their midst. In the area
where I live there is much hatred towards immigrants, especially those
from Mexico - and you could imagine the many comments in the street
such as "learn english" and I won't bother with the other comments. But I
am sure you could imagine. My friend did not have any response to that.
The area where I grew up was perhaps, 5% white, 38% American
Indian. And the rest Hispanic. First hand on a daily basis, - I would
witness the Indian children ridiculed, harrassed, attacked with racial slurs,
by the Mexican students.- not only by students but by teachers as well.
Now this went on year after year. Now that I am older I wonder what
kind of parents were raising these young people. My niece who attended
middle school in that city stated to me the problem still exists. So not
much has changed over the past 20 years.American Indians consider any
person of non indigenous blood to be foreign. Out of respect I myself do
not post the American flag on my property. Because to my Indian
brothers it is a symbol of hate, murder, evil. & FOREIGN TERRORISTS.. If the Ku Klux Klan one day
admitted Mexicans as equals and allow them to be members in their
orginization. Would you suddenly post a KKK banner in your front yard.
. So no flags are posted on my property. Flags stir up nothing more than
contention. So what I am basically getting at is that if there is any group
that can assist in the immigrants to this country it would be the American
Indians. Especially at a time when foreigners are utterly despised. My
female Mexican friend insisted that I write to our newpaper editor after
she read an article about an eldelry white womans comments about
Mexican immigrants. How they should speak english or go back to
Mexico. My friend urged me to write to the editor. "Tell them how even
the white people here are considered foreigners by the Indian people. And that English and Spanish is foreign to them!"
Do you see. Mexico keeps classifying its indigenous population as a
seperate people. And if you ever lived in Mexico you would know of the
oppression that indigenous people face in Mexico. Its always on the
news there. Not many Americans are aware of this. So you sing your
national anthems, you salute the flag, and you are proud of your
government. Remember Einstein stated that Nationalism is an infantile
disease. It is the measles of mankind. And we are certainly witnessing this all over the world. It would take a mind that is 1,000
years ahead. To realize that national pride is a silly thing. Are we all that
ignorant and blind. And my apologies for offending anyone. That is not my attention. But to only open your eyes and minds to a new way of thinking a new way of looking at things. Many of you must be young. Aren't you doing anything to better this planet.
In your college classes if you have a unique professor. They would attempt to instill in you the fact that society was never thoroughly planned. That is why it is deteriorating. It is like basically depending on gas. Gas will one day run out. So it is with society. There is no cure, no remedy.

I am not sure how i got here, i just want to tell you that i am mexican and i am aware that there are many complex racial issues here in Mexico. But let me tell you something: when we mention we are Mexicans, it is because that is what we are, the same way you say you are Americans.... If we call ourselves HISPANIC, we have the right to do so, and that does not mean we are being racist, because we all speak spanish, that is what Hispanic means, its not about having ancestors from Spain. Then why do you insist anyone should call themselves Indians? Do you call yourselves English or Irish if you have ancestors from those countries? You simply call yourserlf Americans, right? I agree with you there is a form of Hypocrital Racism in our nation, and we sometimes cannot help it because we have grown up all of our lives watching a truly direct relation between the really poor and the really dark, but it is also very true that a huge part of the population, Mexico's middle class, or even the middle upper or upper class really dont spend much of our time thinking on race.Most mexicans dont even know what amount of white blood and indian blood is in our family tree. Most mexicans are a mix of that, more or less white, more or less indian, not everyone spends that much time thinking on that. It is true that international beauty standards in the past tended to set the Occidental/White look as the ideal beauty, but as you can see in every fashion magazine nowadays that is no longer the case. Beauty exists in every race. I am sure any given person in Mexico would admire and give privileges, or look up to an overall attractive looking Latin men /women ( nice features, nice body, good sense of style, good level of education, etc) and it wouldn't matter at all if he or she had dark skin. The same way we will all notice that a fat, ugly, ignorant person with white skin will not be perceibed as attractive or inteligent just for being white. So maybe the issue is not really about skin color as a decisive factor like you tend to put it, i think it is more about the total package: cultural level, educational level, lifestyle, customs, overall image ( be it black, white, brown or whatever). Just wanted to point these few things out so that your get the right picture.

I just saw that commerical last night about White Secret while watching "La Academia" and a quick google search brought me here. I'm glad I'm not the only one taking notice.

As a side-not, in mid-november I watched Nigga compete on a dance with the stars type show here in Mexico and they had his spanish subtitled into spanish on mexican television. I found it funny.

You simply call yourserlf Americans, right? Wrong -
Lakotas would rather call themselves Lakota.
Blackfeet would rather call themselves Blackfeet.
Navajo would rather call themselves Navajo.
The names go on and on - Indians are the only people who can
call all of you foreigners.
And Obvisiousily it is due to ignorance that many Mexicans
do not consider their ancestrol background. This is widely known
already. Racial issues is complex world wide. Tell me something I don't know, anyone.

Creer que la gente en mexico o en cualquier pais de america latina se siente menos solo por el color de su piel me parece uno de los MITOS MAS GRANDES QUE EXISTEN, la gente por lo general como el caso quien escribio esta nota habla muy a la ligera y de manera inmediata, justamente es lo mismo que decir que los GRINGOS son unos sin cerebro, inutiles, pesimos para los idiomas, que les encanta hacer la guerra para incrementar sus divisas y timar a la gente en sus casas de bolsa fantasma. El mercado no se puede controlar, simplemente la pornografia que se consume en Estados Unidos o la draga nos hablaría mucho de su gente. Así que sugiero que dejen este tipo de comentarios OCISOSO y MAL INTENCIONADOS disfrazados de CRITERIO cuando es JUSTAMENTE LO OPUESTO

ok bueno soy mexicana y mi color es blanco mis papas son blanco morena y eso no significa nada mis hermanos somos diferentes blanca moreno y blanca morena y blanco y eso no significa nada yo creo que la gente ignorante o stupid no sabe nada ahora recido en US y no soy india ni ignorate de hecho tengo estudios y soy teacher en san francisco ca creo que algunas personas son demasiado ignorantes y rasistas y la verdad es que la vida esta asi la gente ignorate mala y estupida claro que odian a la gente morena y no hay que ser mexicano para eso los blancos odian a los negros porque bueno la ignoracia pero claro con respeto no todos asi como mexicanos odian negros porque la ignorancia lo vuelvo a repetir es la sociedad en la que vivimos y esas personas instruyen a los hijos y que pasa ellos crecen ignorantes y no es necesario ser indio para eso los ricos pobres o medianos todos ignorantes y bueno la crema la verdad lo malo que pasa no es culpa de los blancos es la ignorancia de todos por querer confiar en algo que sabemos no va a funcionar o nos va a traer consecuencias es la realidad de la vida por eso devemos de leer informarnos estamos en una epoca donde existe la tele radio compu escuelas no se tantas cosas bueno cuidense y espero que la gente stupid primero investige mejor antes de hablar.

this cream causes skin cancer please don't use it.

esta crema causera cancer en la piel porfavor no la usen.

the creme doesn't cause cancer. i'm a biologist. please refer to credible sources. the ingredient that u may be referring to is also found in coffee, wheat, and many other essentials.



Ya'll "white" people invented tanning beds... isn't it the same basic principle of all of this discussion? Inversely, of course, but it is the same exact underlying theme of all of this. What can you conclude from this? Why would lighter people want to be dark? Why not? Why do darker people want to be light? Why not? It is a matter of personal preference, rather of personal insecurity.

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