Happy birthday to me!

Nikki's picture

I certainly did get spoiled for my birthday this year. Greg set up a winery visit to Sottano followed by lunch at another winery: Ruca Malén.

This was my excited face all day.

Wine, anyone?

Greg has become quite the wine taster these days. Not to worry, though: at a wine tasting a few weeks ago when the tour guide asked what aromas people smelled (most responded things like rose petals, citrus, fresh cut grass) Greg yelled out: "GRAPES!" Here he is checking out his Malbec.

This was our view, vineyards and mountains, as we enjoyed 5 courses paired with 5 wines. I mean, is this luxury even legal?

The meal was topped off with Dulce de Leche Mousse, or as Greg likes to call it, Mousse de Leche. It was delicious!

Thank you, Greg! Cheers.

Happy Birthday, Nikki! Hope to see you in Boston!

Nikki's picture

Thanks, Ezra! I hope school is going well. I won't be able to make it to Boston but Greg is definitely looking forward to seeing you.

Happy Birthday Bug! I love watching your life go by on the internets! Loved the dog entry the other day!

Nikki's picture

Thanks, Ben!! How is life in Boulder?? There are certainly no dogs as cute as Frisco here:)

just stumbled across your blog -- i was at ruca malen two weeks ago for the same meal. we sat outdoors and relished the view and food, though we were a bit sauced from a 3-glass tasting at catena zapata before lunch :)



if you swing back through BA, drop me a line and let's meet up for drinks! always nice to meet fellow travelers.


Nikki's picture

Hey Kareem, Nice pics! I like the one with Carmelo Patti...world's nicest winemaker. We'll be through BsAs in May, so that would be great to meet up. Suerte!

ps, happy birthday nikki :)

I clicked on this blog while searching some reference material on travelling to a new location.
happy birthday nikki. god bless you
very nice photo!!!

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